A Rose Has Never Seen a Gardener Grow Old. Laboratorio Arte Alameda. 2019 Curator: José Luis Barrios
Departing from a baroque rhetorical trope, the rose as an allegory of time, this anthological exhibition by Emilio Chapela Pérez is an aesthetic exploration on the different measures of time: from the forces and powers of geological time, through the formalizations of human and terrestrial time to the models with which contemporary science measures it. The exhibition presents works created specifically for the Laboratorio Arte Alameda and explores the poetical records of these various scales.
En el tiempo de la rosa no envejece el jardinero. Laboratorio Arte Alameda. 2019 Curator: José Luis Barrios
A partir de un tropo retórico propio del barroco, la rosa como alegoría del tiempo, esta exposición antológica de Emilio Chapela Pérez, es una reflexión estética sobre las distintas medidas del tiempo. Desde las fuerzas y las potencias del tiempo geológico, pasando por las formalizaciones del tiempo humano y terrestre hasta llegar a los modelos con los que la ciencia contemporánea mide el tiempo astronómico. La muestra presenta obras creadas específicamente para el Laboratorio Arte Alameda y explora el registro poético de estas escalas.
The title of the exhibition refers to a classic trope of Baroque art: the rose as an allegory of time. This 17th century rhetorical device exposes the beauty of the flower as deceptive and unreal, because its life is subject to time. Through the brevity of the rose’s life, a person might seem not to age. In the same way, human time is diminishes to the time of the mountain, while the time of the mountain is but an instant to that of the stars.
In this exhibition, Emilio Chapela Pérez (Mexico City, 1978) explores different measures of time: from the forces and powers of geological time, through the formalizations of human and terrestrial time, to the models with which contemporary science attempts to measure astronomical time. The exhibition is an immersion into the ever-incomprehensible folds of time from an aesthetic-poetic understanding. It invites the visitor to imagine its passage through different scales of time, from those perceived by the human body to those possibly experienced by the stars themselves.
The exhibition brings together recent works, as well as works created specifically for the Laboratorio Arte Alameda. Through videos, sculptures, objects and installations, the artist offers an immersive reflection, enabling us to envision the relationships between our body, the earth, the cosmos, and life itself.
José Luis Barrios, Curator